Terms & Conditions
All transactions are final. No refunds will be issued for any listing, event, or advertisement purchased through Culture Brant.
Individuals who create a listing are responsible for the content included therein. Neither Culture Brant, nor its parent company Barber & Veri Inc., accept any responsibility for the content of any map, event, or advertising listing.
No specific results or outcomes of any map, event, or advertising listing are guaranteed.
Individuals who create a map or event listing, or an advertisement, agree to do so in what would generally be agreed upon as being a reasonable understanding of good taste. Culture Brant, and its parent company, Barber & Veri Inc., reserve the right to delete any listing, event, or advertisement at any time that is in any way prejudicial against any specific group or individual; contains any false information; or is in any other way contradictory to the intent of the site, which is to promote culture in Brant. No refunds will be issued for deleted or advertisements.